Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 3 - Domkirke

Today was a big concert day. We performed in the Domkirke (Bergen Cathedral) in downtown Bergen – twice. The cathedral itself has a long and turbulent history, reaching back to the 12th century, with Franciscan roots. During the latest renovation in the 1880s, the Roccoco interior was replaced to give the interiors back their former medieval appearance:

The choir arrived at the Domkirke in the morning, bright and early. By now, most singers have gotten over their jet lag. We participated in the Protestant service with 4 songs, and the cathedral acoustics were amazing.

Having done a good day’s work already, the choir was happy to do some sightseeing. It was a short walk to the Floibanen funicular. One of the chaperones had just been told by a Bergen friend that “if you can do only one thing in Bergen, then you should do the Floibanen funicular”, and indeed it delivered on the promise. We all went up the mountain in a stepped train car on a 30% incline ...
... and were rewarded by a great panomaric view:

Then the choir returned to the Domkirke for our big concert with two Bergen choirs, Jentekoret Hogskolen and the Bergen Guttekor. The three choirs sang individually and together:The concert had a big audience, and the Norwegian songs by the ACC choir were a great success.